James Stevens Curl

James Stevens Curl (born 1937), PhD (Lond), DiplArch (Oxon), DipTP (Oxon), FSA, FSAScot, AABC, MRIAI, RIBA, FRIAS, MRTPI., is a noted architectural historian, architect, and author.[1]

He is Professor Emeritus at the Leicester School of Architecture, De Montfort University, and Honorary Research Fellow at The Queen's University of Belfast, and was previously a Visiting Fellow at Peterhouse, University of Cambridge (1991–1992, 2002). He received his doctorate from University College London.[1]


He is a member of the Art Workers' Guild, Oxford & Cambridge Club, fellow of The Society of Antiquaries of London, The Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland, liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects of the City of London, president of the Friends of Southampton Old Cemetery, joint patron of The Mausolea & Monuments Trust and former chairman of the Oxford Civic Society.[1]

Published books


  1. ^ a b c Official Website [Jamesstevenscurl.com http://www.jamesstevenscurl.com/] (Accessed 15 August 2010)